Photography is easy, Photography is difficult.

So… I came across this quote that my fellow photography student posted on her blog and couldn’t resist re-blogging it on here.

Ok, so how do I make sense of that never ending flow, the fog that covers life here and now. How do I see through that, how do I cross that boundary? Do I walk down the street and make pictures of strangers, do I make a drama-tableaux with my friends, do I only photograph my beloved, my family, myself? Or maybe I should just photograph the land, the rocks and trees – they don’t move or complain or push back. The old houses? The new houses? Do I go to a war zone on the other side of the world, or just to the corner store, or not leave my room at all?

Yes and yes and yes. That’s the choice you are spoiled for, just don’t let it stop you. Be aware of it, but don’t get stuck – relax, it’s everything and everywhere. You will find it, and it will find you, just start, somehow, anyhow, but: start.

Okay, but shouldn’t I have a clear coherent theme, surely I have to know what I’m doing first? That would be nice, but I doubt Robert Frank knew what it all meant when he started, or for that matter Cindy Sherman or Robert Mapplethorpe or Atget or… so you shouldn’t expect it. The more preplanned it is the less room for surprise, for the world to talk back, for the idea to find itself, allowing ambivalence and ambiguity to seep in, and sometimes those are more important than certainty and clarity. The work often says more than the artist intended.

Photography is easy, Photography is difficult – Paul Graham

This pretty much sums up how I feel right now with regards to my unit and all of my photography practicing right now. I can sit there for days or weeks on end trying to think of some sort of idea before actually having that “lightbulb moment” and going YES! I am so going to ace this.
Photography is easy, it is also extremely difficult. But, as photographers we rise to the challenge and we get creative.